Saturday, May 27, 2006

Andrea got to attend her own baby shower

Well, our shower had been scheduled for Today, 5/27/06, at the Lavender House in McKinney. Andrea saw the Pediatrician yesterday and she is doing great. The midwife came to the house today to check on Renee and all is well, so, we went ahead with the shower.

My sister, Pam, threw the shower for us and we made it a couples shower. Pam is an awesome sister, a super mom, a great aunt, and a fantastic real estate agent. I can't say enough about her. We are blessed to have her and will always be grateful for everything she has done for us.

Here she is with Andrea.

Attendees were my mom, Jason and his wife Natalia, Pam and her husband Stephen, and Diane and her daughter, Amber.

From left to right: Mom, Jason, Natalia, Amber, and Diane.

The guest of honor arrives...

Renee, Andy, and Andrea.

Here she is...her first outing.

2 days old.

Then came a competition for the guys...

...A race to put a diaper on a teddy bear, drink 4 ounces of juice, and draw a picture of a baby on a paper plate on top of your head.

I was the last to finish, but the guys felt sorry for me and conceded, so I won.

Me, Jason and to the finish.

Everyone brought lots of gifts and we are grateful to all.

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